You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been slacking on my blog...well the truth is I have been writing, keeping notes and jotting down random thoughts, why haven’t I updated my blog you ask?! WE HAVE NO INTERNET. Yes you read that correctly, my household is without the internet for the time being.
The first few days were hard but now I’ve just come to accept the absence of the internet and just browse the internet from my phone. The browsing of phone really isn’t all that exciting, everything is much smaller and creeping facebook isn’t all that entertaining either. My roommates on the other hand, not too sure how they’re taking the 'without internet' I’m sure it does get pretty boring.. but hey there are tons of other things to do right?! Well to be completely honest with you I really miss be able to update my blog on a regular basis...soon we shall have out s#%& together and soon I'll be updating on a somewhat regular basis, sound good?!
Peace & love
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